Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Limestone in Deep Sea Caves

Many underwater caves form in limestone due to the chemical weathering of the limestone by acidic ground water. One place that limestone caves form is in Bermuda where small pools of water form in the limestone caves. Many limestone caves also form in the Yucatan peninsula as well as Bahamas and Belize. Cave diving in these caves allows the unique animals of these areas to be studied. Usually animals in underground caves are placed into two categories. Those animals that adapt to the caves and those that complete their entire lives there. A primary environmental concern comes to about when limestone quarries destroy the habitat of these organisms. This has happened in the Bermudas where over half a dozen caves have been destroyed.

Click here for more cave diving

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Community Gardens:

A community garden is a shared plot of land that a group of people decide to collaboratively work on together. They grow fruits, vegetables, flowers, and various other plants. It is meant to foster a spirit of community by bringing people outside of their daily activities to appreciate the company of their neighbors and the beauty of nature. There are various types of community gardens such as residential, neighborhood, institutional, and demonstration gardens. Community and residential gardens are based in the communities where they are located. Institutional gardens exist attached to the organizations that run them. Demonstration gardens are used to present and educate.

Mercer Cluster Article on Community Gardens in Macon

Wednesday, March 4, 2015


Miles Elevation
0 165
0.5 147
1 165
1.5 79
2 79
2.5 79
3 80
3.5 101
4 80

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal vents arise after seawater comes through the ocean's crust. This creates a stream of fluid and gas that bursts through the crust. They often form along mid-ocean ridges where plate tectonic movement causes a rupture. Many different creatures create ecosystems around thermal vents. One such organism is the tube worm. Tube worms are parasitic and absorb nutrients from bacteria in their bodies. Another organism often found in hydrothermal vents is the Pompeii worm. It is able to live near the extreme temperatures of thermal vents due to its capacity to withstand up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Hydrothermal Vent


Pompeii Worm

More on Hydrothermal Vents

Even More on Hydrothermal Vents

Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Fluorite is a mineral whose chemical formula is CaF2. This means it is composed of Calcium and Fluorine. When identifying fluorite, one can look at its perfect four-way cleavage break, a four on the hardness scale, and a specific gravity of 3.2. Its colors vary and so does its transparency. Although, fluorite has characterisitc colors of purple, green, and yellow.

More information on Fluorite!


Pyrite often is confused for gold which gives the mineral its common name, "fool's gold". It's chemical formula is FeO2, Iron Sulphide. It can usually be identified by its brassy gold color as well as its metallic luster. It has a hardness of around 6 and a specific gravity around 5 as well as an uneven cleavage break.

More information on Pyrite!

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Different Types of maps:

Chloropleth Map is a map that utilizes shading, coloring, and symbols to represent different values or quantities in the given region.

Dot Density Map is a map that utilizes dots to spatially represent the amount of something in the given area.

Isarithmic map is a map that represents continuous data with a corresponding color or value.

Proportional Symbol Map is a map that uses different size symbols to correlate with the value in the given region.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015