Wednesday, February 11, 2015


Fluorite is a mineral whose chemical formula is CaF2. This means it is composed of Calcium and Fluorine. When identifying fluorite, one can look at its perfect four-way cleavage break, a four on the hardness scale, and a specific gravity of 3.2. Its colors vary and so does its transparency. Although, fluorite has characterisitc colors of purple, green, and yellow.

More information on Fluorite!


Pyrite often is confused for gold which gives the mineral its common name, "fool's gold". It's chemical formula is FeO2, Iron Sulphide. It can usually be identified by its brassy gold color as well as its metallic luster. It has a hardness of around 6 and a specific gravity around 5 as well as an uneven cleavage break.

More information on Pyrite!

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