Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Hydrothermal Vents

Hydrothermal vents arise after seawater comes through the ocean's crust. This creates a stream of fluid and gas that bursts through the crust. They often form along mid-ocean ridges where plate tectonic movement causes a rupture. Many different creatures create ecosystems around thermal vents. One such organism is the tube worm. Tube worms are parasitic and absorb nutrients from bacteria in their bodies. Another organism often found in hydrothermal vents is the Pompeii worm. It is able to live near the extreme temperatures of thermal vents due to its capacity to withstand up to 176 degrees Fahrenheit. 

Hydrothermal Vent


Pompeii Worm

More on Hydrothermal Vents

Even More on Hydrothermal Vents

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